Thursday, June 5, 2008

Investing in the Future

Paul Newman says "I'm in." Paul Newman's philanthropic organization, Newman's Own Foundation, has announced an award of $25,000 for the Hidaya Project.

Newman's Own Foundation is an independent private foundation which derives its grant making income from royalty payments received in conjunction with the sale of Newman's Own food products. Since the inception of Newman's Own in the early 1980's, over $230 million has been donated to thousands of charitable organizations worldwide.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

About Local Partners

There is no prime organizational partner purposely so as to “hold the door open” wide for all potentially positive organizational linkages to be created.

The Education Development Center (EDC), through Hisham Kullab, has contacted local advisers for community support to the Hidaya Project. They include staff at:

• El Aqsa University
• Society Voice Foundation
• Red Crescent
• Khan Yunis Services Club
• Red Crescent Society
• Ministry of Higher Education
• Gaza Program for Mental Health

The Center for Mind Body Medicine (CMBM) has been on the ground in Gaza for several years. The following is a list of organizations that CMBM has worked with. These organizations will be invited to participate in Hidaya.

Government: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Affairs, United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)

Non-governmental organizations: Palestinian Red Crescent Society, Save the Children, Islamic Relief, Palestinian Youth Society, the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, Gaza Psychological Program for Mental Health, Community Training and Crisis Management Center, The Palestinian Center for Democracy and conflict Resolution, Sunrise and Hope Club, Ared El Ensan Society, Alnaser Association, Society for Illegal children, Deaf Spring Club, Elamal Rehabilitation Society, Shoka Society, El Wesam Society, Al Amal Collage for Orphans, Voice of Society

Universities and schools: Al Aqsa University, Alazhar University, Alqudis Open University, Jabalia Prep school

Health Clinics and hospitals: Jabalia Woman Health Center, Center for Family and Children, El Wafa Medical Rehabilitation Hospital, Alsorani Hospital for Mental Health, Kamal Odwan Hospital

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Book on Hidaya Project

The new Hidaya Project book has been published. Click here to order.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Welcome to the Hidaya Blog. The partners of The Hidaya Project will be posting their thoughts, challenges, and progress as a way to involve our supporters around the world.